Pronto! 40 Braille and Speech Notetaker
Pronto! 40 is easy to use and yet comes equipped with all the features needed for every day activities, even by professionals. This notetaker features a 40-cell braille display, hence the name Pronto 40. It features a high-tech design with modern blue tooth and wireless LAN communication interfaces, prepared for applications of today and tomorrow. Pronto 40 is even further unique as it is supplied with two interchangeable keyboards: one braille; the other a fully QWERTY style. These keyboards can be swapped at any time while using Pronto 40, no need to reboot the machine. Here are just some of the things users are doing with Pronto 40 all around the world:
- Taking notes -- Enjoy Pronto's ergonomically engineered keyboard while employing the built-in wordprocessor to write notes, email, and papers. You can read and write in computer braille and Grade 2 braille. In fact, you can read in one mode and write in the other. Documents can be used in Microsoft Word .DOC, and .DOCX formats as well as text and braille formats.
- Reading books on the move -- Use Pronto's built-in Daisy book player to read books any time, anywhere. Better yet, use Pronto's unique .PDF viewer to read .PDF files on the go. No need to wait until you are at a computer. Enjoy Pronto's high-quality Vocalizer speech from NUANCE or choose fast and efficient Eloquence speech.
- Controlling Your Schedule -- Track your appointments in Pronto's Planner. The Planner can be quickly and easily synchronized with Microsoft Outlook.
- Finding addresses and phone numbers quickly -- Search your contacts list which is also fully synchronizable with Microsoft Outlook. You can create personalized filters and masks here as well to further optomize searching and working with contacts.
- Connecting to the World -- Leverage the power of Windows Live Messenger and Pronto's POP3 email client to stay constantly in touch with the world around you. Talk and email with friends, family and coworkers.
- Recording brief voice notes or meetings -- Switch on Pronto's voice recorder with the touch of a button to record a quick note. Software controls are also available for longer recordings, stored on an SD card.
- Using a calculator -- Perform quick calculations on this multifunction internal calculator. Cut and paste the results as needed into the word processor.
- Sending and receiving SMS via cell phone -- Type SMS messages from Pronto's premier keyboard and then send them through your cell phone. Read caller IDs on Pronto and dial phone numbers from the keyboard as well
- Listening to music -- Switch on Pronto's audio player which can play both .MP3 and .WAV files or tune into the built-in INternet Radio to hear radio stations of any genre around the world.
- Tracking the Environment -- Press easy-to-reach keys to discover temperature, compass direction, altimeter reading, time, date and battery status. All is available at the touch of a button.
Maximizing the ability to use braille -- Allow Pronto to act as a braille display when attached to your laptop or desktop computer. Pronto interfaces with Cobra, Window-Eyes and Jaws for Windows as well as other products.
Learn More About Pronto
Interested in learning more about Pronto? Please see the following helpful resources.
- Click here to download a copy of the Pronto User Manual. It describes all models of Pronto. Remember that the functionality itself is the same no matter what model you purchase.
- Click here to get an overall introduction to Pronto. This recorded overview was made in June, 2010 before the release of Software Version 3.2 so uses only Eloquence speech.
- Watch and listen to a video presentation describing the physical layout of Pronto. A full description is given here including technical interface information. Expect a brief pause when this link is clicked as the movie loads for playing. It will start automatically after several seconds. Or click here if you would rather just hear the audio version of this Pronto tutorial.
- Watch and listen here to a video covering Pronto basics and introducing overall features of the system. Expect a brief pause when this link is clicked and please accept our apologies for the commercial that preceeds this video. The Bay Area Digital video will start automatically after the commercial message. Or click here if you would rather just hear the audio version of this Pronto tutorial and not be bothered by the advertising.
- Click here for an audio presentation of how to interface and use Pronto with a cell phone.
- Coming soon: an audio presentation demonstrating Pronto with Windows Live/MSN Messenger.
Finally, be sure to check out the Audio section of this website for interviews and further discussions about Pronto and other Baum products. In particular, click here for conversations at ATIA 2011 with Wolfgang Baum, Thomas Friehof and other members of the Baum team.
Price: $7,495.00