How our products are made Accessible?
Access can be provided through speech, braille, enlarged print, or any combaination of these technologies. This access can be built directly into the original product, or it can be made available through a third-party product already containing braille and/or speech. The Braillenote, PacMate, and Aicon are all examples of such third-party products.Our Goal
In every case, the goal of Bay Area Digital is to maximize product utility, provide world class access for blind and visually-impaired users, and to make all information and utility of the original product available to this population. Ambitious? Yes. Possible? ABSOLUTELY!We Need Your Feedback
Bay Area Digital is always interested in what blind and visually-impaired people require to meet their medical needs. If you would like to send us any thoughts on this or feedback in general, please email it to© 2006-2010 Bay Area Digital, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Feedback Site Map